Monday, December 27, 2010

Last week in LB

"A doodle. I do doodle. You too. You do doodle, too." - Willow
"Answer to Moo? Did that sentence just make some sense that I'm not in on?" - Buffy
Gingerbread, 3.11

My parents came with me today to get the rest of my stuff. I decided to stay to avoid organizing my room in Twentynine. I took a nap, watched some Buffy, and started researching graduate schools. MFA in photography is my mine goal, but American studies programs also fit. I went from 5 to about 10 schools: some in Illinois and New York, UT Austin, Ohio State, and University of Arizona. I need to realistic about where I can actually get into. My work will hopefully be strong enough to disregard my low gpa. For now I will fantasize about living in New York and going to Columbia University. :D

And I'll leave you with a great scene from Easy A:


Friday, December 24, 2010

Another day

Only slight overreation in yesterday's post. It was finally hitting me that I was actually leaving Long Beach, a place that I actually have grown to like and moving back to the Deuce. It will be better once I have a clear head, which I hope will happen sooner. But I may have the same reaction in a couple days, when I'm back in Long Beach, getting the rest of my stuff, and having to say temporary goodbyes.

On another note, Merry Christmas Eve :) On 4th, maybe 5th viewing of Easy A in 3 days :D

Decemeber 23rd, 2010
"What do you think I have down there? A gnome?" - Olive Penderghast, Easy A

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I haven't even completely moved in yet

and I'm already thinking FML and WTF was I thinking.

-_-  <--- Eric face

Decemeber 22, 2010

6.5 years later

I graduated college and preparing to move home with my parents in 29 Palms aka the Deuce. Yippee? My life is not anywhere I thought it would be when I gradated high school in 2004. I thought would never happen, but I am actually sad about leaving Long Beach. Certain people made my last year of undergrad my best, plus getting into the photography program didn't hurt. :)

What's in my future? Applying to Fine Arts, possible American Studies graduate programs at the end of 2011, beginning of 2012. Not getting stuck in 29 Palms, blogging, taking a shit ton of pictures, and of course being awsome. Beyond March 2011, I don't know what is store for me, but I am looking forward to getting there.

December 21st, 2010
'Do you like my mask ? Isn't it pretty? It raises the dead.' Americans!"- Giles, Dead Mans Party 302

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Following the Rules

Image 1: light bulb(s), swan(s), copper mesh scourer
item size: random, placement - quadrant 4, color - group according to color
Swan(s) - All 12

Image 2: vice grip, light bulb(s), terminal set, swan(s)
item size: random, placement - quadrant 2, color - group according to color
Swan(s) 7 -  2 pink, 6 gold, 8 darker pink, 4 purple, 5 dark blue, 7 light green, 3 silver

Image 3: crayons, vice grip, swan(s), copper mesh scourer
item size: biggest to smallest, placement - quadrant 3, color - light to dark
Swans(s)  6 - 10 dark green, 8 darker pink, 7 light green, 4 purple, 2 pink, 6 gold
Crayons 24 in a box 8 crayons - 6 white, 2 apricot, 11 blue violet, 12 red orange, 4 green yellow, 16 yellow, 7 violet red, 14 yellow green, 9 cerulean, 18, blue green
Image 4: light bulb(s), fuse tester, bells, copper mesh scourer
item size: random, placement - random, color - dark to light

Image 5: crayons, vice grip, terminal set
item size: random, placement - quadrant 1, 3. color - light to dark
4 crayons - 10 green, 2 pink, 1 grey, 9 cerulean

Image 6: clothespins, light bulb(s), terminal set, art stones
item size: smallest to biggest, placement - quadrant 3, color - random

Rules for composition ie how/where to place the objects

  1. item size: biggest to smallest
  2. item size: smallest to biggest
  3. item size: random
    1. placement - quadrant 1
    2. placement - quadrant 2
    3. placement - quadrant 3
    4. placement - quadrant 4
    5. placement - random
  1. color - light to dark
  2. color - dark to light
  3. color - group according to color
  4. color - random
No less than 1 rule per section and every rule must be used at least once
Image 1: 3 rules - 3 4 3    item size: random, placement - quadrant 4, color - group according to color
Image 2: 4 rules - 3 2 3    item size: random, placement - quadrant 2, color - group according to color

Image 3: 2 rules - 1 3 1    item size: biggest to smallest, placement - quadrant 3, color - group according to color

Image 4: 4 rules - 3 5 2    item size: random, placement - random, color - dark to light
Image 5: 2 rules - 3 1 1    item size: random, placement - quadrant 1, 3. color - group according to color

Image 6: 3 rules - 2 3 4    item size: smallest to biggest, placement - quadrant 3,  color - random


Image 1: light bulb(s), swan(s), copper mesh scourer

Image 2: vice grip, light bulb(s), terminal set, swan(s)

Image 3: crayons, vice grip, swan(s), copper mesh scourer

Image 4: light bulb(s),  fuse tester, bells, copper mesh scourer

Image 5: crayons, vice grip, terminal set

Image 6: clothespins, light bulb(s), terminal set, art stones


  • 6 images made from 10 objects
  • The object cost less than $1.00, no more than 3 can cost more than $5.00
  • No less than 3 and no more than 8 objects in an image
  • Objects:
    1. clothespins
    2. crayons
    3. grip
    4. light bulbs
    5. terminal set
    6. fuse tester
    7. art stones
    8. bells
    9. swans
    10. copper mesh scourcers
  • Using chance by roll of dice to choose the objects and roll dice the number of times it states so if there is a repeat of a number it still counts as a roll:
    • Image 1
      • rolled a 3
        • 4
        • 10
        • 9
          • objects 4, 9, 10
    • Image 2
      • rolled a 7
        • 5
        • 3
        • 5
        • 4
        • 5
        • 9
        • 3
          • objects 3,4,5 and 9
    • Image 3
      • rolled a 6
        • 3
        • 2
        • 2
        • 9
        • 10
        • 2(or 7)
          • object 2, 3, 9, 10
    • Image 4
      • rolled a 4
        • 10
        • 8
        • 10
        • 4
          • objects 4, 8, 10 and 6
    • Image 5
      • rolled a 5
        • 2
        • 3
        • 3
        • 5
        • 2
          • objects 2, 3, 5
    • Image 6
      • rolled an 8
        • 5
        • 7
        • 1
        • 1
        • 4
        • 7
        • 5
        • 4
          • Objects 1, 4, 5,  and 7
  • While rolling the only number not pop up was a 6. So I used a six-sided die to determine which image(s) would get item 6. Rolled a 4 so image 4 gets item 6.

For people with iPhones

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Gilles Barbier

The hospice  2002
Mixed media, sound and television (live shows), Various sizes


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Carl Kleiner

Carl Kleiner
3 of his series that I enjoy

Kaleido / 01

Pressure / 1


Project 2: Following the Rules

Project Description: Setting up objects for the camera that is dictated by a set of rules.

Conceptual Concerns: Find a new way to create art objects

Technical Skills Covered: Color Correction

Formal Guidelines:

Quantity: 6 images
Final presentation format: 20 x 30 color digital prints

Artistic References: Carl Kleiner
Grade: How successful the project is

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Scurlock Studio and Black Washington: Picturing the Promise

I just got this book from the library. I've only thumbed through it so far. I am becoming more invested in learning about the history and present contributions of African Americans in photography.

In 1911 Addison Scurlock opened a photography studio in Washington, D.C., and went on to chronicle the aspirations and ambitions of the black community into the 1990s. Later joined by his sons, Robert and George, themselves all part of the rising middle class of segregated Washington, Scurlock recorded the finer moments of black life—portraits of wealth and comfort, celebrations of marriages and new homes, political and social achievements. As the city changed and grew, with the black population swelling, the Scurlocks chronicled the growth and later decline of black businesses, the change from a middle class forced to develop its own institutions within a segregated society to an influx of poor migrants from the South with less connection to those institutions, and the social and political tumult wrought by the civil rights movement. Photographs include the famous (Marian Anderson, Duke Ellington, Ralph Bunche, W. E. B. DuBois, and Muhammad Ali) as well as the influential but perhaps less well known (business owners, churchgoers, civic leaders, members of high society). With more than 100 images, this book is a proud celebration of a vibrant community from the early to the late twentieth century. --Vanessa Bush

Born in Fayetteville, N.C., he graduated from high school there, and in 1900, moved with his family to Washington, D.C. Young Scurlock began his career as a photographer as an apprentice to Moses P. Rice, who had studios on Pennsylvania Avenue. By 1904, he learned the basics of photographic portraiture and the entire range of laboratory work. That same year, he started his own business at his parents’ home on Florida Avenue.

He photographed students at Howard University, M Street, Armstrong high schools, Black universities, and high schools throughout the South. In 1907, he won a gold medal for photography at the Jamestown Exposition. He opened the Scurlock Studio in the African-American community’s theater district in 1911, and concentrated on portraiture and general photography. His clients included brides, successful people, politicians and presidents, convention guests, and socialites. A 1976 Washington Post article by Jacqueline Trescott read, "For years one of the marks of arriving socially in black Washington was to have your portrait hanging in Scurlock’s window."

In addition to studio portraits, he mastered the use of the panoramic camera and shot conventions, banquets, and graduations. By the 1920s, he had earned a national reputation. He was the official photographer of Howard University until his death in 1964, and he recorded all aspects of university life.

Scurlock also produced a series of portraits of African-American leaders that historian Carter G. Woodson distributed to African-American schools nationwide. One of his most significant photographs was that of Marion Anderson singing in front of the Lincoln Memorial in 1939.  A famous story told about him is that while shooting President Coolidge with the Dunbar Cadet Corp on the White House Lawn, he walked up to the president and moved him to another position for the sake of a better picture, much to the dismay of the Secret Service.
Scurlock and his wife, Mamie Estelle, lived just a few blocks from the studio with their four sons — Addison, Robert, George, and Walter. Mamie served as the studio’s business manager. From 1948 until 1952, Robert and George managed the Capital School of Photography. Among their students were future Washington Post photographers and a young Jacqueline Bouvier who became the wife of John Kennedy.
As founder of the Scurlock Photographic Studio, he took portraits of such notables as educators Booker T. Washington and Mary McLeod Bethune, composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, engineer Archie Alexander, political leader W.E.B. DuBois, former first lady Mamie Eisenhower, singer Billy Eckstine, physician Charles R. Drew, opera singer Madame Lillian Evanti, and poet Sterling Brown while documenting key moments in Washington, D.C. history. In 1964, Robert bought the Scurlock studio from his father and purchased a studio on Connecticut Avenue.

The Connecticut Avenue studio closed in the early 1970s and the 9th Street studio was demolished in 1983 for the Metro system. Addison Scurlock died on December 16, 1964 at the age of 81.
Addison Scurlock
National Museum of African American History and Culture
Scenes from the Past